Best Practice News

The following are offered free from the Apasia Institute:Introduction to Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™) eLearning: A short self-paced online module. It includes practical and video examples of concrete techniques using the evidence-based method called Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM).

A provincial workgroup of clinical experts was tasked with updating the Stroke Prevention Clinic Model of care in Ontario. The workgroup identified resources including strategies to implement best practice core elements in Secondary Stroke Prevention Clinics and to enhance system-wide performance and outcomes for people with TIA and stroke. The work has been completed and the compilation of resources was released on January 30th.

Community and Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Provincial Workgroup Report Stroke rehabilitation in the community and outpatient setting was identified as a provincial priority by the eleven regional stroke networks in Fall 2016 and the following resources are now available here  A resource tool outlining methodology to do an estimate demands analysis for stroke outpatient/community rehabilitative services based on a region's own geography.Summary of common emerging facilitators and change ideas that outpatient (OP) programs have implemented to meet stroke best practices.A decision mak

The 11th World Stroke Congress took place in Montreal in Oct 2018 bringing together leading international stroke experts.The Stroke Network of SEO teams were engaged in the delivery of presentations related to Stroke Prevention Clinic core elements, Endovascular Thrombectomy, Acute Stroke Unit care, innovations in rehabilitation, and the evaluation of stroke care in Complex Continuing Care and LTC settings, a true cross-continuum contribution!  One oral presentation outlined the regional impact of consolidating acute stroke care from nine community hospitals across Southeastern Ontario to t

A year ago KHSC expanded access to its Stroke Endovascular Thrombectomy Service  from weekday to 24/7 delivery. This move to round-the-clock service was a big step that required an incredible commitment from many across the region including referring hospitals, paramedic services and the large and growing team of experts within KHSC.  Over the past year, we have learned that we can indeed deliver this complex service successfully with great outcomes for patients across Southeastern Ontario.The KHSC Stroke Endovascular Workgroup met in September to review patient outcomes to date.

The Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario works with a community advisory committee called the Community Reintegration Leadership Team that includes stroke survivors and family members from across the region.  Through community consultation and discussions with the advisory committee, the SNSEO has received advice on key educational documents that stroke survivors and families would value receiving early on after a stroke.  Working with stroke survivors, families and health care providers, the SNSEO developed a listing of recommended contents for a Stroke Information Package.

The Primary Care and Stroke Prevention Clinic Update held March 20th, 2018 was well-received. 88 health care providers participated from across the South East. The post evaluations were positive indicating that many providers would apply learnings to their clinical setting and that it would be useful to have a follow-up education event. The event provided an opportunity to learn about new stroke best practices, discuss complex cases and learn about each other's roles in stroke prevention.

Core Elements for Stroke Prevention Clinics were identified by a provincial work group based on previous provincial standards of care, Canadian Stroke Best Practices, and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Quality-Based Procedures. The Core Elements outline the key expected components of care delivery for Stroke Prevention Clinics.

Patient and caregiver education is of critical importance in the recovery journey. The needs and abilities of each individual will vary and some may be interested in exploring topics in depth. To support health care providers in meeting the needs of those stroke survivors and caregivers, the Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario has created a listing of educational resources based on best practice and categorized by educational topic. Hyperlinks are included for all resources.

Southeastern Ontario shares their knowledge nationally with an excellent showing at the Canadian Stroke Congress in September 2017 in Calgary.  To view the posters from our region, click here