Best Practice News

Navigation maps of smoking cessation resources for health care providers have been created by the Tobacco Control Area network of the three Public Health Units for each of the three geographic areas in our region.  Learn More

The Provincial Interprofessional Stroke Core Competency Framework has now been launched. The Stroke Core Competencies are an online framework consisting of a core set of stroke competencies for six disciplines.Learn More 

A refreshed edition of the Quality-Based Procedures (QBP): Clinical Handbook for Stroke (Acute and Postacute), has been released by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC), in partnership with Health Quality Ontario (HQO) and the Ontario Stroke Network (OSN). The handbook became effective April 1 2017. Webinars are being delivered highlighting the specific changes– don’t miss registering for the webinar coming up on April 19th! If you can’t make it, view it on line. Best practice recommendations for Endovascular Treatment (EVT) have been added to the acute episode of care.

The presentations from the November 23rd Southeastern Ontario Stroke Symposium are now available online. Over 200 people from across Southeastern Ontario participated. The plenary sessions highlighted patient experience expertise combined with leading edge care delivery.  Twelve concurrent sessions provided participants with the opportunity to select care topics relevant to their individual learning needs.  The commitment of many stroke survivors and stroke care providers was critical to the success of this event. To view the presentations click here.

The Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations has released a 2016 Guidelines update for Managing Transitions of Care Following Stroke.  The focus of these recommendations is on support, education and skills training for patients, families and caregivers; effective discharge planning; interprofessional communication; adaptation in resuming activitites of daily living; and transition to long-term care.  You can find the full recommendations in the International Journal of Stroke.International Journal of Stroke

The Southwestern Ontario Stroke Network is proud to announce the official launch of the 2016 Stroke Rehabilitation Unit Orientation.This resource was developed by the Southwestern Ontario Stroke Network to support the education of regulated health professionals by providing a framework for learning, and by identifying knowledge, skills and values that cross the core competencies of all the disciplines and are important to the delivery of best practice stroke care.ContentThis free self-directed learning program includes quizzes, and covers 12 core stroke care topics:- Pathophysiology of stro

In 2015, the Heart & Stroke Foundation released the best practice resource, Taking Action for Optimal Community & Long Term Stroke Care(C) (previously Tips and Tools for Everyday Living(C)).  In response to this release, a working group of Long Term Care (LTC) Home representatives and members of the Ontario Stroke Network reviewed the best practice Stroke Care Plans (initially released in 2012) to ensure continued alignment with this best practice document and current LTC practices and regulations.